Pregnant after IF

DS and Who to tell?

Hi everyone, just wanted to pop in and ask a question.  DH and I are doing our first round of UIU this month(hopefully) with DS.  I may be thinking WAY ahead but there are 1000 things going through my mind.  One of them is who to tell that we used DS.  I suspect people will know since my husband has had chemo and what if the baby looks nothing like either of us and people keep saying "I can't tell who he/she looks like??"  I just don't want to make it public that we used DS because its really not anyone's business, it will be my DH's baby and mine no matter what.  What are your thoughts if you have used DS or have any experience with this?  My fear is for the child's future if someone spills the beans before we have a chance to tell them.   The only ones that know so far are my inlaws.

Married since June 2011, MFI due to chemo, Me:No issues detected 1st IUI February 19th 2013 using DS +Femara & Injectables= BFP!!! Everyone Welcome!
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