3rd Trimester

First child born during cold and flu season

I am 37 weeks pregnant with my first child. I have heard many stories about how parents are usually much more up tight with their first child and then lighten up as they go along. I am writing about flu season. I live in Washington where we are having a whooping cough epidemic. It is so bad that doctors and nurses are turning away family visitors from entering the maternity floor if they don't have their TDaP vaccine. I, however, am having a home birth (so we control who comes and goes).

My husband and I agreed that it would be best if everyone wanting to visit or hold her get their flu shot and whooping cough vaccine. The problem with that is it seems to have upset a lot of people and now they are trying to talk us out of it. They use reasoning like, "I never got the flu shot and my kids never got it." or, "people who get the flu shot usually get the flu!" It makes me really upset that they are trying to undermind me. I do want people to hold and visit her after she is born, but considering how many people who are sick like to get really close to me and spread their germs, I don't think it's a good idea if she can't get vaccinated for at least 6 weeks. I have already been sick twice during my pregnancy and I don't want that to happen to her. What should I do? How do I nicely tell to step down, that she is my daughter and I want what's best for her... even if they don't think it is?

 Thanks for your help!

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