Pregnant after IF

Irritation from Crinone?

Hi all:

So, I switched to Crinone from PIO and suppositories on Saturday.  I got the pre-filled applicators and use them in the morning as I was instructed.  The last couple of days I noticed that after putting it in, for a little while I would feel like I was getting a yeast infection.  Last night and this morning I had a little bit of spotting.  That has stopped but I just feel irritated downtown.

Has anyone else experienced this?  I was pretty freaked about the spotting but since it has stopped I'm trying not to worry about it.  (It was brown and very light.)  I'll call my RE tomorrow but obviously they're closed today, so just wondering if anyone else has experience with this.


Me: 41 DH: 37 - AMA, DOR
BFP 2.12.2012, c/p 2.17.2012
IUIs 1-3 = BFFN :(
IVF #1 - Sept 2012 = BFFN :(
IVF #2 - Dec 2012 = BFP!! EDD 9/4/2013
Beta #1 = 107, Beta #2 = 4,650!! U/S 1/15/2013
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