Pregnant after IF

IF Grad Check-in

Happy New Year ladies!!

I'm the new Grad Check-in hostess, nice to meet you all (for those I don't know already!)

Come on over to IF and update on us on your pregnancy!!

P.S. Its kinda nice posting something over here that doesn't have a question attached...I could get used to that, lol 

Me(31): Childhood diagnosed as Panhypopituitarism but adulthood is disproving that and now no one knows WTF is wrong with me. ::sigh:: but I also have Hypothyroid & Factor V Leiden
DH (31): Borderline low morph
"Baby dancing" with no protection or BCP since July 2009
IF testing started March 2011
Endocrinology related tests from October 2011-February 2012
March 2012--Clomid --No response-Straight to injects!
April & May 2012-- IUI#1 & #2 = BFN
July 2012- IVF#1 cancelled
September 2012-IVF#1.2--BFN
November 2012- IVF #2 --BFN
January 2013- IVF #3-- BFFN
February 2013--Found a new RE but first back to the Endocrinologist for more diagnostic testing
Hopefully we'll be ready to cycle July 2013
PAIF/SAIF encouraged...give me some hope!!
For detailed cycle info. see right side of blog... Kate's IF Blog
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