3rd Trimester

Have to vent... super long

My family decided that rather than buying each other Christmas gifts, we would go out to dinner at this fancy place we all love.  Dinner is around $50 a person plus alcohol, which is about what we'd spend per person on a gift anyway.  So my mom decided to make reservations without asking anyone and scheduled it for Satuday night.... when DH was working.  I was a little upset about this, as he is family too.  Mom changed it to Friday, and then we found out that my BIL was working that night.  My sister said it was ok so we went ahead with Saturday.  Originally my mom said dinner at 7pm, which was annoying to me as I am an insulin-dependent diabetic and usually eat much earlier.  I let it go and said fine.  She called me earlier in the day to say that dinner was at 8pm.  I KNOW she originally said 7 and not 8 because I would've flipped!!  Well, when we got there, we found out that dinner was really at 8:30. I was so annoyed at this point, but what was I going to do?

So we are waiting to be seated and slowly I see my parent's friends all showing up.  I looked at DH and even he said to me that he thought this was a family dinner.  I shrugged it off and said that these are friends that are close to our family anyway.  It was fine until their neighbor, who I don't necessarily care for, showed up with her 3 cousins.... and guess who got stuck sitting with them!!  So this was a FAMILY dinner, yet DH and I were stuck sitting at the far end of the table AWAY from my own family with STRANGERS.  I was ready to just get up and leave at this point, but it was almost 9pm and I HAD to eat and take my insulin.  We made the best of it and had a decent time until the check came.

I think we all ate too much and when the check came, me, my sister and my cousin were all in the bathroom.  DH kept texting me that my mom was furious that we all left when the check came--- meanwhile, we left well before it came.  We returned only to find that rather than putting the alcohol on a separate check like she had originally planned, she never said anything and it was all one check.  So we got stuck putting in an extra $20 each (that's $40 between the two of us) for wine & liquor that we didn't even touch!!!  When we got in the car, I look and have two EXTREMELY nasty text messages from my sister saying how rude and disgusting my behavior was, meanwhile I didn't even have a chance to say anything to anyone as we were so far away!  I didn't dignify her nastiness with a reply, but I was FUMING by the time we left.  

And guess what happened the next day (Saturday??)  I woke up with a raging headache, dizziness and blurred vision.  I took my blood pressure and of course it was elevated (140/100.)  The nurse in my OB's office said to rest for 1 hour, feet up, drink water, etc. and if it doesn't drop, I need to go to L&D.  My mom, cousin & sister decided to take DS out for a little bit, and as they were leaving, my sister turns to me and says, "I had errands to run today and didn't plan on babysitting YOUR son today."  I got so mad that I just slammed the door in her face.

Guess what... it didn't drop at all.  So I spent my Saturday night in L&D.  But what makes it even funnier is taht once my mom left and DH got there, my BP went back to normal with no meds at all.  The diagnosis was pregnancy-induced hypertension (not pre-e, as I feared) I was sent home and told to take it easy.

Sunday was my "sprinkle."  It was very nice, got a lot of nice gifts for baby girl and enjoyed being able to spend time with my friends.  Of course my sister had her attitude problem again to me when I asked her if she had any extra cookies (they were favors and they were SOOOOOOO yummy.)  She took the container and just threw it at me.  This party caused a whole new issue too- apparently DH knew about it and asked if he should take off work so he could come and help out.  He was told not to as it would be only women.  I'm not sure how this happened, but (according to my mom) my MIL waited until the last minute to ask people and only 1 person from her side was able to make it.  THey had to guarantee 20 people so they invited men at this point too (spouses of the women coming.)  When DH found out that my brother, my BIL, his dad, uncle and 2 other men were there and he WASN'T, he felt terrible.  He said he felt left out of his own daughter's party and I have to agree with him.  I don't know if this was done accidentally (I like to this it is) or purposely, but either way, it was lousy.  

Last night (NYE), I wanted to stay home again, but DS was crying that he wanted to see my mom & sister.  Against my better judgment, I went to my parent's house.  Both of my parents were in lousy moods, and I had a feeling we weren't going to stay long.  (The plan was to sleep over, as DH was working the overnight anyway.)  Well, it was SO LOUD there and I was just not wanting to be there.  Again, my mom wouldn't let anyone eat until 8pm.  I fed DS earlier, since he has food allergies and couldn't eat what she ordered anyway, and he went into super energetic/super tired mode.  Even one of my mom's friends commented on how tired he looked & how there was no way he was going to get any sleep there.  Next thing I know, he is breaking out on his wrists and I knew this was the time to get out.  I gave Benadryl and took off.  My mom called me tried to guilt me into staying but I was gone already.  I came home, put DS in his bed (he had already passed out in the car) and tried to relax.

I sign on to Facebook this morning to find a message from my mom saying I haven't been acting like myself and am I ok.  I am just so tired and fed up with everyone.  Ugh!!!

Anyway I'm not really looking for a reply here or advice.  I just needed to get ALL of this off my chest.  Maybe now I can completely calm down.  :) 

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