Single Parents

Extra Help

I have a 9 month old daughter, and I am only beginning to accept the fact that I am a single parent.  By that I mean, I am married, yet have been living separated since early pregnancy.  My husband only sees our dd about once to twice a month right now :(  Not good...anyhow.  I guess I'm just beginning to accept reality.  

So, my post is about extra help.  I am trying to exert better self care as I'm finding myself stretched way too thin right now.  I have a nine month old and have to manage my own limitations for exhaustion due to a chronic illness.  So, currently I have a few friends that have offered to watch/play with dd for a few hours once every few weeks.  So that means I have approx 2-4 hrs of help once a week.  Also my mom comes over every Monday night so that I can go to a meeting for 3 hrs and puts dd down to bed for me.  These are my only break times.  

Here's my question:  What kind of "extra help" do you ladies have in your lives?   

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