3rd Trimester

well, I figured out OBs plans... not pretty. (vent. kind of long)

Some of you may remember that I had posted about the feeling that my OBs were pushing toward an unnecessary c-section based solely on ultrasound measurements and uterus-feeling measurements alone as a predicted "big baby," while everything else (BP, etc) are absolutely perfect.

I took advice that others gave me and I spoke with one of the OBs that I see about why they are scheduling these 3rd tri ultrasounds. After she measured my uterus and felt the baby, she said that I was measuring just a hair under 37 weeks, and confirmed that I have an ultrasound scheduled in two weeks.

Then, here's the kicker--- she says, "That's going to be the time where we start talking about a c-section. If this baby is consistently measuring ahead, there's a high likelihood that you won't be able to vaginally deliver him, and it's not fair for you or the baby to go through hours and hours of labor and pushing just to find that you need a c-section." Um, disagree?

I told her that while I understand their position in wanting a healthy mom and baby, that I will not consent to a c-section on the prediction of a large baby alone. If a medical necessity arises, by all means, cut him out. Otherwise, sorry folks, we'll be trying this the old fashioned way.

I'm surprised that they went STRAIGHT to a talk of a c-section. If they are truly that concerned that the baby is too big, why not try to suggest induction at official full term?

I feel like I'm in for a long battle of sticking to my guns. I know that by these standards alone, they cannot force me to have a c-section and they also can't drop me. ACOG guidelines don't include a "possibly big baby" as a medically necessary c-section, unless I have that part wrong. Someone correct me.

So frustrated. Sigh. Thanks for reading. 

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