Pregnant after IF


Hi ladies,

 I am coming over from the TTTC and IF board. My DH and I did our first IVF cycle last month.  I have PCOS, Endo and we are MFI. We did transfered 2 embryo's.  We got our BFP on Christmas day and my beta's have constantly increased. My first beta was 26, my second beta was 79.8 and my third beta today was 149. I have my fourth and final beta on Friday and my US next week. My due date is 9/4/13. Hope it's okay to join you ladies.

Me (30) my best friend (38)
TTTC since "Jan 2011"
RE appt april 2012
Dx: PCOS and stage 1 endo
S/A 19 million, 48 motility, 1 morphology
6.1 progestrone
HSG: tubes clear
clomid 50mg + #1 IUI + trigger 6/9/12 BFN 6/18/12 Clomid 150mg +#2 IUI + trigger: 7/9/2012 BFN 7/18/2012 stage 1: endo removed 8/14/12
Letrozole 2.5mg+estrogen=cycle cancelled for little to no response
Follistim 75 (10/15-10/19) follistim 67 (10/20-10/21) cycle cancelled due to over response 9 follies and very thin lining
~ IVF #1:BC pills started 10/27~
~IVF class schedualed for 11/13~
~ Lupron starts Thanksgiving day~
~Stims start December 1st~
~ER: December 12th ~
~ET: December 15th~
19 R. 12. Fertilized with ICSI, 2 transfered
only 1 made it to freeze!
Beta #1 12/27/12 (26)
beta #2 12/29/12 (78.9)
Beta #3 12/31/12 (149)
Beta #4 1/4/13 (48)
C/P on 1/4/13 @ 5 weeks and 2 days
~ IVF #2 ~
~ BC pills1/15-2/3~
~Lupron beings 1/31~
~stims start Feb. 9th~
~ER 2/21/13~
~14 R, 12 fertilized with ICSI~
~1 made it to freeze~
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~ Going Thru Life and IF ~
P/SAIF Welcome~ everyone welcome
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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