
Best manual pump

I have a Medela PIS that is 5 years old, works great that I have used for my older 2 girls when I went back to work and mostly EP'd for a few months before I stopped BFing them.  I am now a SAHM and DS is EBF and I don't pump as often as I had with my girls and find it to be a slight pain to bust out the pump and wash parts for the few times that I do pump just to relieve any engorgement and to have a small freezer stash in case I need to be away from DS for any longer than 2 hours.

I was thinking it would be nice to have a small manual pump for the times that DS may only nurse from 1 side or times that I don't want to mess with getting out the double electric one I have.  Are there any recommendations?  I haven't done any research at all yet on them.

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