3rd Trimester


Im a little lost as to what I am entitled to when I have my LO as far as time off of work. I have had a few health issues with this pregnancy, ie high blood pressure, random contractions, infections and bleeding. My Dr is considering putting me off of work as of this Friday or the end of January. My 1 year anniversary at my job is mid-January and Im not even sure if I will be eligible for FMLA then or not. I have been working part-time for the past 5 months now so I dont think I have enough "Time in" to qualify. If my Dr puts me off of work can I get unemployment? I didnt count on being high risk and losing my FMLA. Plus they denied my SDD because I was technically pregnant (but didnt know it) when I signed up. I thought we had this pregnancy and maternity leave all sorted out before I got pregnant. Guess not...Tongue Tied


ETA: Spelling correction!

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