
Follow up from yesterday - more questions!

So after some advice from you ladies yesterday, I pumped for the first time this morning (after our first feed).  LO ate on the right and DH held her while I pumped on the right when she was finished.  By the time I was done pumping, LO wanted to eat on the left, and then I pumped on the left while she was sleeping.

I got about .5oz on the left and .5 to .75 oz on the right.  Kellymom says that one to three ounces total is average, so I'm guessing that even though it looks like hardly anything, it's normal.  Will I eventually pump more than this after the morning feed, or does it stay pretty consistent?  Should I continue to pump right after LO is done eating, or should I give it some time and then pump (like 30 to 60 minutes or something)?

I also want LO to start getting used to taking a bottle (since she will be in daycare full time), and some of my friends have had babies that needed to try A LOT of bottles/nipples before they would take one consistently.  My plan right now is to pump every morning and then have DH attempt to give her that milk in a bottle in the evening.  I'm assuming that if LO is eating out of a bottle, I need to pump at that time - right?  So should I wait to pump until *after* their bottle feed in case she refuses the bottle or needs more to eat?  

I suppose if I'm pumping once in the morning and once in the evening (but she's only doing one bottle feed a day) I'll always be one feed ahead... and that could go in the freezer to start a little stash?  

Thanks ladies, I'm starting to feel like I'm finally in the swing of things :) 

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