
Eating every 2 hrs. Some ?s

My DS, 11 weeks, eats every two hours during the day and has for weeks. I suspect he does it in part to help with his reflux. He's on meds for the reflux, but it clearly still bothers him at times. He was sleeping longer stretches at night, usually one 4 hour stretch, a 3 hour stretch and then would go back to every 2 hours after that

For the last 5 or so days he has started waking every two hours at night too. It's absolutely killing me. I go back to work on Monday and I don't know how I am going to be able to do it with being up every two hours all night...

I know some of you had LOs who ate regularly every 2 hours. When did they finally go to longer stretches between feedings? Just looking for some hope here!
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