
We've come so far....

I have been breastfeeding for fifteen months now. I am not sure how to wean. I would like to wean by two. He's not interested in weaning. I focused so much on making it to a year I never considered how to stop. I don't really want tears but he's a frequent nurser and I would love to night wean at least. Would like to get some advice from those who have weaned toddlers. Thanks!
DS Born 10/05/99 DSS Born 7/11/95 BFP 05/11/10 - Missed M/C, D&C 06/23/10 BFP 8/3/2010 - Ectopic, Methotrexate 8/17/10 BFP 1/27/11- Please God let this heart beat strong. Beta1 17dpo-314 Beta2 20dpo-883 Beta3 22dpo-1861 Beta4 25dpo-5918 DS2 Born 10/07/99 "I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he shall be given over to the LORD." 1Sam1v24to28.
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