3rd Trimester

Is an infant seat really necessary?

Sorry ladies to double post on car seats, but I have one more question for STMs....is an infant seat REALLY necessary or can I make due without one and use a convertible from the start.  I want to baby wear as much as I can because I hate lugging stuff around, strollers, etc....though I know there are times when I will want to have a carrier and a stroller.  But how often is that, really?  I know you aren't supposed to wake a sleeping baby, but if she were sleeping when I brought her home, I would move her to her bassinet as I thought you weren't supposed to let them sleep forever in car seat anyway.  And if we were out, in theory wouldn't she settle back down once in a wrap or whatever?

I know this all might sound naive, I just hate the idea of buying such a big hunk of plastic that will be used for such a short amount of time before needing to be in a convertible seat anyway.  

Thanks for any advice. 

Expecting our second baby on February 7, 2013. Trusting Him whatever comes our way.

We lost our first daughter, Hannah Grace on May 4, 2011 at 20 weeks. She was buried on May 14 during a beautiful service at my home church. We are grateful that if she could not be here with us, that she is healed and whole with the Lord. We look forward to the day when we will get to meet her. We love her so much.

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