
EP'er with oversupply & questions

I have been pumping since DD was a preemie and she never really latched. After a month I had an oversupply. I have had infection after infection and can not kick them. I have been on multiple perscriptions, my nipples are just a wreck with cracking etc due to the skin infections and bleed constantly. I have about 800 ounces frozen and I made the decision that I can not pump anymore. I stopped yesterday and am in a lot of pain today. (this was after cutting down to 2 pumps a day) I have been cutting down from 7 for the past month and a half. Today I am really engorged and nothing is helping. Anyone have any tips? I have tried cabbage and ice and neither are helping along with advil.

 How long till my milk dries up? Even with pumping twice per day, I was pumping between 24-28 ounces per day.

Last question, I feel confused about how to thaw frozen milk. I know that bm from the fridge can sit out for 4 hours or so, is this the case for thawed? How much do you thaw at a time? I am used to having about 12 4 ounce bottles in the fridge and 30 stored in big bottles that I rotated before freezing.


Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image image
Off BCP 5/2009
TTC since July 2010
DH's SA = Normal!
Hysteroscopy 2/2011
50mg Clomid / Progesterone 77.5 April 2011 = BFN
25mg Clomid / Progesterone 53 May 2011= BFN
25mg Clomid / Progesterone 44.3 June 2011= BFN
5mg Femara / Progesterone 15.7 July 2011= BFN
5mg Femara / Progesterone 14 August 2011= BFN
5mg Femara + Crinone / Progesterone 32 September 2011=BFN
5mg Femara + Crinone / Progesterone 14.9 October 2011=BFN
First RE Appointment 11/2011
Hysteroscopy 11/2011 & on Med break
12/2011 Diagnosed with PCOS (Insulin Resistant)
12/2011 Adding 1000 MG Metformin per day
12/14/11 BFP
Beta #1 664 Beta #2 3330 Beta #3 6160 Beta #4 19546
Official Due Date 8/18/12 & HB 147 on 1/3; Heatbeat 171 1/19

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