Pregnant after IF

Bedrest after IVF

Hello Ladies,

 I don't know the rules and protocol of these boards, so forgive me if I'm not allowed to post here! :)  I am doing IVF #2 in January and wondering what worked for you guys?  Last time I stayed no more than 30 min at the RE's after the transfer (getting up to pee and change during that time) and then stayed in bed the entire day after the transfer and the following day as well and took it easy around the house the next day. This time I will be working and almost wonder if I was too still last time (I was on summer break). I hear so many differing opinions. I hear people laid completely still at the RE's for 30 min after and kept their hips elevated when home for 24 hours...

Would love to hear from those of you who did IVF and are now pregnant! 


Thanks in advance!! :)

Me:27, DH:29 Married: 07/07/07 TTC Since: March 2011 MFI Me: No known Issues Varicocele embolization April 2012 IVF #1 with ICSI July 2012: BFN :( DH- Femara for 90 days to decrease Estrodial levels SA and RE Consult 12/10/2012 Numbers have improved! IVF# 2: Jan 2013, Beta 1: 6.1 #2: 9 #3: 16 #4: 21 #5: 129 #6: 644 #7:65 #8:6 C/P 6weeks0days 5 frosties IVF #3 FET March/April or May? image <a href="
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