
I have a question about inducing lactation

Hi ladies!

I hope you don't mind me asking a question of you!

DH & I are adopting & the birth mom is due in early June. I have always been a proponent of BFing & recognize the many benefits of it, but with adoption, thought it would be impossible. Someone asked me if I was planning on inducing lactation to BF when the baby is born & didn't realize it was an option until researching it.

My question is, have any of you done this/heard of this? What are your thoughts on it? Is it difficult? I plan on calling the local Le Leche League to inquire about it.

My MIL, who is usually very supportive looked mortified when I mentioned it to her. Is this going to be the general reaction? Not that it would impact my decision, but just like to be prepared.

Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks. 

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TTC since September 2010 with unexplained IF, Prothrombin G20210A mutation
Our miracle baby will arrive in June through Adoption
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I waited patiently & expectantly for the Lord and He heard my cry Psalm 40:1
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