3rd Trimester

Don't Want a Shower, MIL sent invites without my knowledge anyway

I need some advice about what to do here ladies. This is long.

My MIL and I have always had our differences, which seem to have become compounded since DH and I have become pregnant. When asked when I wanted a shower (this is our first baby), I was very open and honest and told her that I did not want one. I don't like them, and for my wedding shower (which I also did not want... and she threw anyway) it felt really all about getting gifts and not about DH and I.

Anyways, we had gotten into an argument about the shower just before Christmas (MIL: You're having a shower, you'll want a shower Me: I think showers are tacky and I don't need people to buy our things).

I told her that DH and I were planning on a sort of "Sip and See" after the baby was born, just so people could stop by, say hi, see the baby, then leave lol. Times are tight for everybody, and I have always felt awkward accepting gifts from people (even at birthdays). 

My mother called me last night to let me know that she got my baby shower invitation in the mail. She was confused because her and I both feel the same about showers, and she knows I do not want one.

Now I don't know what to do. The shower is for the 1st week in February. I am really upset. My mother wants to get the guest list (which I have no idea who is invited) to call people to let them know there is a misunderstanding and that we will not be having a shower, but DH says I should leave it be, suck it up, and go to give his mother the opportunity to throw a shower. If it matters she threw a shower for her daughter (aka SIL) when our nephew was born almost 6 years ago now, so it's not about missing the experience.

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