3rd Trimester

My Connor Paul

Well ladies Connor decided to make his appearance on December 15,2012 at 9:16pm. He weighed 8lbs 3 oz and 19in long and a full head of hair. He looks just like his daddy :] My water broke at 5:45 that morning and i headed straight to labor and delivery, i was suppose to be induced on the 17, but he decided to come on his own  i labored for 14 hrs and had no progression. My blood pressure dropped to 63/33 and was brought back to have a c section. He was just to big to fit. We had a safe surgery and he is doing great. We stayed at the hospital for 2 days and was doing so well dr released us early. We are truly blessed and can't wait to make many memories with him. Pictures will be uploaded soon. Hope you all have a safe delivery and healthy babies :)
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