Single Parents

Feeling Stuck

I was married before for 7 years and we had a child...we divorced after he cheated on me several times.  I was single for many years then got married 8 years later..that was 2+ years ago.  My current husband and I have a 16 month old and I just found out I am pregnant again.  Right after we got married he stopped trying, his jealousy became out of control and we never do anything together.  He only spends about an hour a week with our LO and he does nothing with my oldest.  My family helps me when I need but he and his family do not.  I don't know how much my life would change without him around.  I wouldn't have to worry about making him happy, which takes alot of energy.  

My 19 year old sister died in september and he was jealous of people sending me text or FB messages offering condolences.  Horrible.  It was the last straw and that was the beginning of the end.  I have told him it was over at least 4 times but he is so dense he thinks he can "try" for a few days and everything is fine.  I was waiting until after the holidays to totally end it then I found out I am pregnant.  That baffles me too...I make him use protection....btw, yes we still have occasional is good!

 So now that I am pregnant he thinks we will stay together but I just don't love him anymore.  IDK what to do.

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