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Diaper Registry?

I'm hoping to get some honest feedback here, since it has been a confusing research process!  We're starting our registry (expecting our first LO in May!) and have mixed suggestions on registering for diapers... some people say register for a wide variety of brands and sizes in case LO has allergies, others say register for one preferred brand in a variety of sizes to stock up in advance, and still others say don't register for diapers at all.

When we ask about specific brands and types, we get the same variety of responses.  Huggies hold up the best, Luvs are softest for newborns, Pampers are the gentlest, store brand is just as good and cheaper...  SO many options!!

 So, what I'd like to know is... what do YOU suggest?  We're leaning toward Pampers (though we have no idea if we should go swaddlers or regular or what lol) because it seems that most other recent moms recommend this brand... and if thebump promotes it, it must be good, right?

 Thanks for the help!!

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