3rd Trimester

REAL Women do not get an epidural!


So I went to a birthday dinner last week for one of my mom?s friends. Of course my bump came into everyone?s conversation. This one lady decided it would be nice to tell me why I should not get an epidural. According to her, part of being a woman is giving birth and dealing with the pain of childbirth. REAL Women do not get epidurals cause it?s taking the easy way out. Also getting one will result in me getting a c-section! Really lady?! I was SO mad at everything she was saying and just wanted to hit her or something!

I just do not get what makes people think that they can tell me Im not a real woman because I choose to use an epidural. I do not think I should submit myself thru pain when there are options to help with it.

That?s it just needed to vent a bit =)

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