
I have no appetite...

I haven't really had an appetite since LO was born.  DH is a teacher and is on Christmas break right now, and he offers me food/water constantly but nothing ever sounds good.  I force myself to eat at meal times, and occasionally try to grab a granola bar or a piece of fruit in between, but that's not typically the case.  

I'm not having supply issues, but I don't think I'm eating as much as I should be (and I don't want to create supply issues).  Any suggestions for foods that are higher in calories that I could bulk up my diet with?  I gained around 40lbs while pregnant and am currently down 34 (6lbs until I'm at pre-pregnancy weight) - I'm not trying to lose weight, but it's certainly coming off faster than I expected.  

Did anyone else have this issue of not feeling like eating when LO was a newborn?  Does it get better with time? 

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