
growth spurt?

My DS just turned 10 months old. I nursed him around 6 he ate his dinner at 6:45 he was ready to go to bed at 7:56 so I nursed him then. He woke up screaming at 8:45 I could not get him calmed down so nursed him again, he woke up screaming at 9:45 he was trying to nurse but just screaming so my DH feed him 4oz of formula :( then he went back to sleep for the rest of the night.  My DS has never ate that much in such a short time before. I think I have low supply I can't get enough pumped to cover what he takes at daycare (sometimes I think I have way more in my breast then what I am pumping) but I haven't had trouble with him not getting enough when I nurse him. Growth spurt at 10 Months??

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