

Hi everyone, I'm hoping some of you can give me some advice, tell me I'm crazy, or tell me if this is normal!

My 3 week old DD only feeds on one side for about 5 to 8 mins. I alternate each feeding She falls asleep on my breast, I burp her, then she's out for the count. I've tried to put her on my other breast but she has no interest. I know this is somewhat normal, but I guess I'm worried because the whole time she's eating, she's latching on and off, making clicking noises, and just doesn't look that happy in general. I constantly fix the latch, and often when I feel like she's got it, she pops herself off and goes for it again. So out of that 58 mins, I feel like she's really only eating maybe 5 minutes. I don't know for sure!

I've seen a lactation consultant a few times, and it was great because my DD was feeding from both breasts at the time. This whole one side thing just started recently, so I don't know what changed!

She has plenty of wet diapers, but only poops one good poop a day she sharts a lot. That's the other reason why I'm concerned. I feel like she's gassy often, so I cut dairy out of my diet, we give her mylicon drops, and she's taking infant probiotics as of this week. I don't know what else to do, I just wish I could make sure she was getting enough to eat. She just seems so unhappy while feeding. I don't think I have an over active letdown, and last appointment with the LC, she was getting enough milk. But again, this was when she was feeding from both sides.

I also feel like she has some evening colic. Starting around 6pm, it's impossible to get her to go to sleep. She screams and screams, I nurse her, but it takes me an average of 3 hours to get her to go to sleep. After that she's good for th night. She wakes up every 23 hours to eat, but again lately only on one side.

I'm getting so frustrated that I don't know she's getting enough and also with the evening fussiness! Breastfeeding has not been fun and I don't want to give up, but I really need some help. Thanks all

TTC since July '09
Diagnosed with PCOS Feb '10
6/2010 - Natural M/C - made it to 5 weeks
10/2010 - D&C - made it to 7 weeks
6/2011 - Natural M/C - made it to 6 weeks
4/2012 - BFP! Beta#1 1401 20DPO
Beta #2 4327 24DPO
U/S 6w6d 134bpm heartrate! Baby Gummybear!
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