3rd Trimester

Just need to rant

I work as a school bus driver and my husband is a middle school teacher. I don't expect to avoid everything but my sister in law came to Friday night Dinner at the in-laws with a stomach sickness. She threw up a few times. Not only that her child had been sick a day before with the same thing. I didn't know this and would not have showed up if I had. Now for Christmas eve and Christmas I was bed bound with it and now my son has been throwing up since 8am this morning with a high fever. He just tossed his cookies again all over my bed at 2am. Did I mention we started remodeling the bathroom before all of this and don't have a working shower/tub. "Sink baths" with a two year old in the 99% for height are a real joy. I am so irritated, I am on vacation but have spent most of it sick or cleaning up after and holding a sick toddler. I realized looking at the calender that I have 3 days before I go back to work. We were going to have my sons room painted and the new bed shipped over and the baby's room painted and cleaned out. I guess at least the bathroom will be finished and safe again. (We found out the floor was rotting between the tub sink and toilet due to crappy plumbing. It has been since we bought the house 3 years ago) I am beyond ready for a few moments of relaxation.
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