
Starting to Pump

Hi ladies! I am a FTM and my daughter is 11 days old. BF has been going well for us so far, though I had a huge supply the first few days (I was desperate and pumped 8 oz in two sittings the day my milk came in!), but it has since regulated, thankfully. Currently DD is nursing every 3-ish hours and will usually eat for about 6 - 8 minutes (we did a weighted feeding at 5 days old and she ate 52 cc's in 6 mins).

I am hoping to start pumping in order to boost my supply a bit so I can build a stash for when I go back to work. I don't have to go back for 10 more weeks, but I work 12 hour shifts and I'd like to really establish a healthy breast feeding/pumping supply before then. you have any advice on how to start pumping (how long, how often, etc.)? I meet with a LC again on Monday, but I was hoping for some info before then. TIA! 

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