3rd Trimester

This bump makes me feel like I'm under a microscope

I generally don't like being the center of attention, but I've been out and about more than usual due to the holidays and this bump makes me stand out.  I'm getting frustrated with all the "advice" from people who are watching or asking about everything I put in my my body or how I will raise the child.  Especially - since I'm realizing for every piece of advice you get - someone else will give you the opposite.  As most of this advice came from people close to me, I now know I'm doomed to be "tsk tsk'd" about behind my back forever! 

A few examples all from the past 5 days!  [Rant]

Example 1) At dinner with friends (with no kids) we were sharing appetizers.  I said I couldn't have the tuna, but could have the lobster. 

Friend says "I don't get it,  Japanese women must eat sushi when they are pregnant, it can't be that bad"

Then Waiter says "M'aam, there are no appetizers you can eat - you shouldn't be having any fish."

Example 2)  Mother keeps questioning the safety of getting the tdap vaccine while pregnant, while MIL keeps keeps asking why I haven't gotten the flu vaccine

Example 3) One person tells me THE Most important thing I can do is get baby on sleep schedule, while person 2 says THE most important thing you can do is not have your life revolve around a rigitd sleep schedule (both back up with reasons)

Example 4) - 1 person says - you should not leave your home with baby for 6 weeks, another how she brought her 10 day old child to the Cheesecake Factory. 

Other hot buttons: having a few sips of wine with the holdiay dinner, having 1/2 a cup of coffee, taking zantac for my terrible hearturn, adding pepper to my dinner. 


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