
Thawed Milk - What can I get away with?

I am just starting to tap into my freezer stash.  Today was the first day I left thawed milk for LO. I just spoke to DH and she took it just fine.

HOWEVER . . . I always leave 4 bottles.  Some days she takes 3 and other days she taked all 4. Today she only took 3. So I have a bottle left over. I know thawed milk is only good for 24 hours after thawing. It was thawed in the fridge over night. I'm wondering if it would be safe if this was the first bottle she gets tomorrow.  (All her other bottles tomorrow will be today's milk).


I'm actually .5 oz short on fresh milk (pumped today).  So maybe I can take .5 of the thawed milk and mix it with fresh for tomorrow'f first bottle.

WWYD?  What have you gotten away with with thawed milk?


Me 32. DH 38.
TTC # 1 Since January 2009
Reproductive Endocrinologist diagnosed us "Unexplained Infertility".

After 3 years . . . 3 IUIs . . . and 3 IVFs . . . our miracle arrived on August 6, 2012.

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