3rd Trimester

Just have to share my "oh no she didn't moment over Christmas"

On Christmas day we went to my in laws for dinner and presents. Usually we get a gift card and another present same m.o. for the last 12 years. Well this year I receive a Sock Monkey tee shirt that would not fit me if I was not 7 1/2 months pregnant. ( and a flyer for free ebooks at the public library o.O) So I say to my mom in law would it be okay if we maybe returned it for another size, and she looks at me and says well you were dropping all that weight before you got pregnant I thought you could just work your way into it. Said Sock Monkey shirt is just a wee bit to big for my double zero wearing 13 year old daughter. Even my father in law said wow that is small. Then for dinner she made everything she knows I can not eat. I am starting to think my mom in law thinks i am too fat. I am a size 18,( pre-pregnancy)  but I have pretty much always been that and am perfectly comfortable being a size 18. 

And i know I sound a bit like a spoiled brat complaining about the gifts.. I do not mean to come off that way it is just I was rather offended that she purposely bought me a shirt that did not fit. And like i said we usually receive the same thing every year. And it was not a money issue my in-laws are rather well off. 

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