3rd Trimester

Flu Shot!

Ok ladies, I got my flu shot last month some time because my mom insisted on me getting it...I haven't had the flu in years but because of little baby Lane I decided to get it to keep me and him safe from it while pregnant. Christmas day I came down with a bad cough and by that night my back and legs were hurting so bad I couldn't sleep. Yesterday I woke up and went to work, I had to leave early went straight to the ER where they hooked me up to the heart monitor for him, an IV and admitted me for the night. I got to come home today. The stupid flu is what I have even after getting the flu shot. Just wanted you guys to be on the look out cause it really stinks. Starts out with congestion and aches, there doesn't have to be any throwing up so if you start feeling lousy just go to the doctor. 
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