3rd Trimester

Bad pelvic pain = Call dr?

I'm exactly 36 weeks with twin boys, and ever since yesterday afternoon/last night I've been having some serious pelvic pain/pressure/whatever. This morning I could barely get my pants on it hurt so bad to move my legs. My mom thinks I should call my doctor, but I'm trying to convince myself it's just normal late pregnancy pains, mainly because my dad is on the way to the er to possibly have emergency surgery to have his galbladder removed. But I'm also nervous about going into labor and not getting to my hospital soon enough because I live almost one and a half hours from it. I'm not really contracting that I've been able to tell, but I have been having some pretty intense period-cramp-esque pains this morning as well as back pain. My doctor has said if I get started again with labor he won't stop it. Like I said, I'm really hoping this is just part of the whole "Congratulations, you're pregnant!" pains because my dad might be having surgery, but I'm nervous about waiting too long. So if anyone has any advice on whether I need to call the doctor or how to help ease it a little bit, I would greatly appreciate it. TIA!!

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