3rd Trimester

Natural Induction with 2nd Baby

With my first baby my water broke at 39 weeks and I was barely 2cm dilated...I went to the hospital and after they verified that my water had broken they had me walk around and bounce on an exercise ball...but still, no contractions. In the end, my body never began contractions until I was hooked up to Pitocin. Pitocin induced contractions are rough...I was miserable (but i'll admit i have literally no pain tolerance haha) and it took hours before I was dilated 4 cm and could get the epideral. 
This time with my second, I was sure that my water had broken so I grabbed my maternity bag and headed to the hospital. I wasn't expecting contractions, since I never had any with the previous pregnancy when my water had broken...but once I go to the hospital the fern test showed that my water had not broken...i was shocked!!
I'm almost 39 weeks now...still waiting but no contractions...Ive got a week or 2 yet but I sure hope I get a healthy baby before the end of the year!
Anyone tried any natural forms of induction with their second baby? Again, I had to be induced with the first thought maybe I could skip the horrific pain of Pitocin induced labor this time around if i tried some natural inducers at home...wondering if anyone has tried things like eating chinese food, pineapples...castor oil(gasp! haha my Grama swears by it but from what i've read...gross)...sex (ughhhh easier said than done lol)...nipple stimulation...
Of course, babies come when they're ready!! :) Just wanted to hear some stories and opinions?? 
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