3rd Trimester

Travel plans for holidays

This is a bit premature, but I'm thinking ahead for the next year. Here is the situation: my husband and I live about 2 1/2 hours away from our families.  Luckily, they live about 15 minutes from each other.  We are so blessed to have such a large and loving family.  However, it has made holidays a bit crazy.  We have been alternating Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve festivities back and forth and splitting Christmas Day between the two.  After many questions from family members yesterday, I am now already thinking about what we will do in the future with our children.  Our son is due February 12th, so he won't even be a year old for next Christmas.  Ideally, my husband and I would love to have our children open gifts on Christmas morning at our own home, this will make traveling and splitting Christmas day (as we have in the past) almost impossible.  My hubby and I are both very family oriented people and neither of us can see giving up our families at the holidays. Moms out there who have ideas that work, I could really use some advice!  Sorry for the novel, it's just on my mind now.  
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