Pregnant after IF

Question about cramping

I was hoping you girls could give me your opinions...

So I'm debating on calling the dr, but also don't want to make a big deal out of nothing. According to my husband, I tend to have a slight twinge of hypochondria at times, lol, so i don't want to overreact to something that might be totally normal.

 I'm 15 weeks with twins and I've had regular cramping throughout this pregnancy. I've never been concerned, dr told me its very typical with multiples, especially for a first time pregnancy. Everything is stretching, probably RLP, etc. However, I've been having a different type of cramps since last night and I'm not sure if I should chalk it up to all the changes going on in my body, or if something to worry about.

They feel more like period cramps, and I get an occasional sharp pain right under my belly button. Also dull cramping around my hips and lower back. Does this sound like typical cramping for 15 weeks? No bleeding or discharge.

I appreciate any advice! 

Me: 29 DH: 30 TTC # 1 since 2008, in denial of needing an RE until 2012 DX with severe MFI, straight to IVF IVF #1 August 2012- stims 8/18, ER 8/28- 18R, 11M, 10F. 9/3 ET cancelled due to chronic OHSS. 6 awesome embies on ice! 9/27 FET Beta #1: 427-BFP!!! Beta #2: 856 First u/s 10/15: two sacs!! Ahh, twins!! imageBabyFruit Ticker
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