Pregnant after IF

Annoyed by BIL's pregnancy news? Is this normal?

Our History:

Had our first DS very easily. He is now 4 yrs old. When trying for our 2nd we just could not get pregnant. I saw an RE who said one of my tubes had scar tissue wrapped around it. We tried a few meds and an IUI and when that didn't work the RE pushed for IVF. We got pregnant with boy/girl twins and sadly lost them due to pre term labor at 18 weeks. It was absolutely the worst moment of my life. I had surgery to remove scar tissue and then went on to do a FET and another fresh IVF cycle and both failed. I finally decided to try a new RE and she actually told me that I do not have any scar tissue as all?? And urged us not to rush back to IVF. We did 2 IUI's and the third worked for us! I am just about 6 weeks along and will go in to see the heartbeat on Friday morning. We are VERY nervous and don't want to tell anyone just yet. 

Moving on to my BIL called us yesterday to tell us that him and his wife are pregnant. When it came out of his mouth I immediately got that sick to my stomach feeling like I did when I wasn't pregnant and jealous of others who were. He then went on to tell us that she still hasn't been to the dr yet and he had no idea what her due date was - considering she is at least 2 weeks to a month further a long that me, I was shocked to hear that. Then I got so annoyed. How cocky of them to tell everyone they are pregnant when she hasn't even been to the dr yet. Here we are scared out of our minds and they are just all relaxed, sharing the news like it's nothing. I also felt like the delivery of the news could have been more sensitive, not that I'm sure how he could of told us in a better way, but you are sharing your news with 2 people who you know have struggled to get pregnant again and who have been through a terrible loss in the past year and you just deliver your news point blank? Am I making any sense? I find myself annoyed with their news instead of excited for them. Is this normal? 
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