
XP: Getting LO back to sleep after late night feedings?

So we've been experimenting with bedtime routine, waking frequently (at least every 2 hours) during the day, swaddling, sleep position, etc. and seem to have found a good combination last night.  For about the past week, she's been having trouble sleeping more than 2 hours (if that) at a time at night, but last night she slept 2 hours 45 minutes before waking to feed.  She breastfed without issues and seemed like she was getting sleepy, and then all of a sudden she was wide awake.  She starting smacking/licking her lips and rooting around like crazy, but then wouldn't stay latched on for more than 10 seconds at a time and kept bobbing around on my chest.  Eventually I woke DH and asked him to help, since he's sometimes able to get her to sleep during the day, but he couldn't make her happy either.  We also tried putting her in the swing and giving her a paci -- neither helped.  We were up for THREE hours, but after she finally went to sleep she was out for over 4.5 hours (the longest stretch she's slept since birth)!We're keeping the lights low and sounds to a minimum at night, but I'm tempted to turn all the lights on, TV on, etc since she sleeps so well during the day with the stimulation.Does anyone else have trouble getting LO to go back to sleep after a late night feed?  Anything that has worked to get LO back down?  I'm glad she (and DH and I) got some longer sleep stretches last night, but I really don't want to be up and frustrated for three hours in the middle of the night, every single night :( Thanks for any suggestions! 
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