Single Parents

Definately the worst xmas ive ever had

 My SO (and now i guess he is my BD) told me yesterday evening that he had fallen out of love with me a long time ago and had no intentions of making it work with me so he broke up with me. He said he still wants to be there for our LO. I am such a mess, i have no idea what to think right now. There is so much that I now have to change and take care of, instead of planning for a family i am now having to make plans on being a single mom. I know I can do it but the fact that I now have to is whats making it hard. I feel so sick to my stomach and can't stop crying. How am I supposed to get through the next 8 weeks without getting so upset that it harms my LO? Being with my family and sisters kids last night and this morning was one of the hardest things ive had to do.  Trying not to let the kids see me upset and crying when they are enjoying what Santa brought them.  I left as soon as all the presents were opened because I was so exhausted. 
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