
Help my supply.

The last week my supply has suddenly started diminishing, but the day. I had the flu last Thursday, but kept pumping and due to dehydration I didn't pump much but LO still seemed satisfied while we nursed. Now 5 days later, I'm getting about 2 ounces after our morning nursing when I pump, I used to get 5-9 ounces. Before bed after our last nursing session I am pumping about 1-2 ounces. When he eats he seems satisfied but only nurses for about 3-5 minutes. I've introduced solids about 1.5 months ago, and he is very distracted. I got a nursing necklace and that helps.

I started 3 capusules of fenugreek 3 times per day yesterday and I'm trying to pump as much as possible to get things going. I've been eating oatmeal and drinking lots of water. Any other tips?? I really wanted to make it 1 year and I'm devastated this is happening at 5.5 months. Do you think it will come back up?


TIA Merry Christmas 

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