
Does this sound like a growth spurt?

My son is 6.5 months actual, 4.5 months adjusted.  He's an awesome sleeper... sleeping 12 hours each night without a feeding and without waking him. He some times wakes at around 4:30 am and whines for a minute or two but puts himself back to sleep.  This weekend we went home to see my family for Christmas so he slept in his co-sleeper at my dad's on Saturday and my mom's on Sunday. We are home now.  Saturday night he went down and woke up once during the night and seemed hungry.  Last night he woke up every two hours and cried.  Tonight I put him down at his usual bed time. He went to bed and slept for about an hour without a stir.  Then he woke up screaming.  I went in and fed him because he was smacking.  My husband just soothed him for a half hour and he finally fell asleep but now he looks like he is waking up again a few minutes later.  I also think he may be teething again but does this sound like a growth spurt or something else?  There is this part of me that lives in constant fear that it is my supply or something but I had a major oversupply early on and now I'm scared it will swing the other way. 

 Also, no fever, room is the normal temperature, doesn't seem to have any cold symptoms.  Thoughts??  I'm hoping to get some sleep for Christmas!! 


ETA- I just went and nursed him again. he completely passed out.  By the time I got down to the downstairs he was up and whining/crying.   


ETA again- we brought him downstairs after nothing working. He's laying in the pack and play chewing on his fingers looking around.  Is it just that he is now aware that he's missing stuff??? I guess I'm just trying to make sure it isn't a supply thing but I'm not sure how to figure that out!


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