Pregnant after IF

Bryce and Charlie (pic)

Bryce and Charlie stopping in to say hello. I can't believe they'll be 3 months old Jan. 1st!


Retrieval - 33 Eggs, 29 Fertilized, 14 Frosties
IVF #1 - 3/17/2011 - 2 Blasts

3/31/2011 - Beta #1 - 395 BFP
4/04/2011 - Beta #2 - 1458
4/8/2011 - Ultrasound - little bean measures 5wks 2dys
4/9/2011 - Confirmed miscarriage
FET #1 - 6/23/2011 - 2 blasts (already hatching)

7/7/2011 - Beta #1 - BFN
FET #2 - 8/18/2011 - 2 blasts

9/1/2011 - Beta #1 - BFN
Second Hysteroscopy - 9/15/2011

Uterine Septum Found and Removed
FET #3 - 11/23/2011 - 3 blasts, 1 already hatching

12/7/2011 - Beta #1 - 193 BFP
12/8/2011 - Beta #1.5 - 320
12/9/2011- Beta #2 - 454
12/16/2011- 2nd Miscarriage
FET #4 - 3/1/2012 4 blasts

3/12/2012 - Beta #1 454 BFP
3/15/2012 - Beta #2 1520
3/19/2012 - Beta #3 5000 plus
3/20/2012 - Ultrasound #1 Triplets
6/11/2012 - Expecting 2 Boys
10/01/2012 - Welcome to the world Bryce and Charlie
PAIF & SAIF Always Welcome Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
Siggy Challenge:The Day My Embryos Were Transferred image
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