
Small baby

Any advice would be great!

We are doing BLW with my son who is 10 months old on Jan 5. He just started eating solids daily around 9 months. He was ebf until solids and he still nurses all night long and every two hours ish and on demand during the day.

At birth he was 5th percentile in weight and 20th in height. Now he's almost 50th in height but less than 3, so off the bottom of the chart in weight.

He just started crawling and pulling up like crazy right before his 9 month appointment and I'm sure he's burning a lot more calories. Pedi is upset that he's off the bottom of the chart even though he only dropped 3 or 4 percentiles from his 6 month check up.

He is alert, happy, chattering, all that. Hitting every milestone and is healthy as can be. I don't agree with her concern about him being off the bottom of the chart. If he had started at 50 and was now 45th it would be nbd.

Any advice or insight?? Any studies I could read or anything I could point her to? She claims to have bf her kids on demand but in the same breath that she told me he weighed too little, she told me to night wean him because he "should be sttn" Some nights he nurses hourly! I told her that makes no sense to cut out half of his food intake just because of the time of day especially if she's concerned about his weight.

I'm THISCLOSE to just finding a new pedi.
Pg with #2
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