
FTM Cracked/Sore nipples questions

I'm a FTM and my LO was born on Saturday. BF has been going really well and LOs latch is great. My left breast isn't producing as much which the lactation consultant said is very normal but it also is inverted which is causing an issue in itself. LO has a hard time latching onto this side and gets frustrated really easily so I switch to the right breast pretty quickly. The problem is that my right breast produces enough to feed her every time but my nipple is so sore and cracked. It has already started bleeding some. I thought possibly her latch wasn't right but it looks great. I can't see any of the areola while she is feeding and she isn't trying to use me for a paci. I've tried the lanolin cream but I really need something a little more fast acting for relief until I can see the lactation consultant on Wednesday at the peds office.

What have you found that helped to soothe your sore or cracked nipples when first starting BF? I'm trying the gel soothing pads from Lansinoh currently and praying they help but I am almost in tears when trying to feed now. Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA. 

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