Maine Babies

Doctor recs in Bangor area?

I'm new to the site as well as the town I'm in, so please bear with me... I just moved to Bangor from the Augusta area, shortly after conceiving (but a while before discovering that I had!) and I don't really know anyone here other than my boyfriend and our roommate, let alone anyone I would ask about OB/GYN or GP recommendations. My family doesn't know yet (my mom is getting a t-shirt that says 'great moms get promoted to grandmas' for Christmas) so I haven't even thought about going Facebook public, thus I couldn't crowdsource that way. Can any of you ladies help me out?

 Due to recent unemployment, it would need to be an office that accepts Mainecare (I am still awaiting approval, but I can't imagine they would deny me, with proof of pregnancy) and is accepting new patients, obviously. I'm eight weeks pregnant now, so it's really about time that I get on the ball with this! I am also looking for a job, on the off-chance anybody knows someplace that is hiring...

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