Pregnant after IF

Low betas...thoughts?

My beta today at 12dp3dt was only a 6.6, which they consider positive and doubled from 3 on Wednesday. My nurse said that it could go either way- chemical pregnancy or a healthy pregnancy, and to focus on the fact that it doubled. Does anyone have experience with really low but doubling betas? I'm trying to be realistic, but I can't go back until next Thursday so I'm in limbo for what feels like eternity. TIA for any thoughts and experiences that you could share.
My Chart
March 3T Siggy Challenge- Favorite internet meme- Honey Badger

TTC #1 since February 2011
Me: 29, DH: 28.
Diagnosed MFI (borderline motility, low morph) on 5/8/12.
RE is recommending IVF but we want to start with IUI. DH was unwilling to pursue treatment until 7/21/12.
Cycle #21- Injects + IUI #1= BFFN
Cycle #22- HSG 9/21/12 all clear= BFFN
Cycle #23- Injects + IUI#2= BFFN
Cycle #24- IVF #1- ER 12/6/12 (14R, 11M, 9F), ET 12/9/12 transferred 2 day 3 embies
Beta #1 10dp3dt=3 (-). Beta #2 12dp3dt=6.6 (+). Beta #3 39.1 (+)
Bleeding and low betas=very cautious Image and video hosting by TinyPic C/P 5W3D
Cycle #26- FET scheduled 3/20/13
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