Pregnant after IF

Cautiously Introducing Myself

Hey ladies!  I can't believe I'm actually posting over here... maybe one day this will all feel real.

I'm coming over from 3T and I got my first ever BFP just about 2 weeks ago.  DH and I struggled with IF for about a year and a half (all my info is in my siggy).  We were on a break for a couple of months and just getting ready to do our 3rd IUI this month when we got the best surprise ever!  My 1st u/s was last night and we saw the gestational and yolk sacs, along with the very beginning of the fetal pole.  My RE thinks I'm around 5 weeks, but I'll be getting another u/s next week where he'll hopefully be able to confirm better.

I'm looking forward to sticking around and getting to know all of you!

The Journey
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TTC with PCOS since 4/2011
1500mg Metformin
4 Clomid cycles (3 cancelled) / 2 Clomid + Follistim + IUI cycles
10/2012 & 11/2012- Treatment break while waiting for new insurance to become effective.
IUI #3 in December... or not. Surprise BFP on 12/9/12!
12/10 Beta #1: 25, 12/13 Beta #2: 122, 12/17 Beta #3: 738
12/20 1st u/s, 12/27 2nd u/s with a heartbeat!, 1/3 3rd u/s & released from RE

EDD: 8/21/13
BabyFetus Ticker
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