
Stupid questions about nipples


I'm 31 weeks preg with my first, and have two stupid questions for you. I recognize that nipple and aureola size tend to coincide with breast size... roughly. Every woman and every breast is different. I get that. However, pre-pregnancy I had fairly dainty nipples and aureolas with a full 34C/small 34D.  They've definitely grown (as have my breasts), but they're still pretty small. Like, when fully erect, I barely have any aureola left. I plan to EBF, and I was wondering if nipple size would contribute to the ease / difficulty at all. I know, stupid question.

Ok, stupid question num?ro dos. My right breast is larger than my left, and i only get colostrum residue on the right nipple. Does this indicate that my right breast will probably produce more milk? I'm not worried, just curious... and clueless. Feel free to flame, IDC. lol


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