
Wish I could EBF but...

I wish I could EBF but I swear I dont make enough milk for my little guy! (6 weeks old)  My little guy was NICU for a week so I pumped and saved quite a bit of milk at that time.  I have to use that to supplement (and formula once a day per pedi) because I just dont make enough milk.

I will feed him, then pump and get practically nothing out but he is still hungry. Then I have to feed him 1-2 oz from a bottle.  I think part of it may be that he is not a very good eater. He will latch, then detach a couple minutes later, and then I have to relatch him. We do this back and forth about 3-5 times each breast.

If I just pump I get about 1 oz per breast every 3 hours. Is this normal? It seems low to me.  Any tips would be appreciated. Maybe I am just worrying too much. He gained 15 ounces in 14 days at his last appointment... that is quite a bit so he must be getting enough...right? 

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