
Talk to me about going back to work full time...

I am kind of asking for a lot of info with this question, so thanks in advance for any responses.

I will be heading back to work full time when my LO is 10 weeks old.  When she goes back, I plan on breastfeeding and pumping while I am at work (I purchased a PISA).  I am interested in hearing from other moms what this looked like for them.  I would also like to know what bottles moms recommend for breastfed babies. 

Some specific questions I have are : When did you start pumping before heading back to work, what kind of freezer stash, if any, did you build up before going back, did it work to breastfeed before work, provide pumped milk during the day, and resume breastfeeding in the evening and at night?  How do you know how much breast milk to provide for DC?  If I pump twice a day at work, is that enough to keep my supply up?  I feel like a fish out of water with this stuff, so any other info you can provide would be very much appreciated.  Thank you!!

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