
Pumping and storing question

Hey ladies. I don't think I have ever posted on this board before - so hello!!! I have a 2 yo DS who i only nursed for a short time. I EPed from 4 weeks to 5 months and also supplemented formula from 2 weeks old. It just didn't go well. DD however is such an easy nurser and it's so far going so much better! I have a few basic questions about pumping and milk storage I just can't remember the answers too and can't find the on either.

DD is 2 weeks old and I would like to start pumping a little so I have some milk stored in case I want to go out or something. She is an excellent eater so far and nurses every 2 to 4 hours during the day (4 to 6 hours at night). So when is the best time to pump if I wanted to do it one or two times a day?

Also, I know you can refrigerate or freeze the milk. But can you freeze the milk if it's been in the fridge for a few days, or only if it's fresh? So say the milk was in the fridge for 4 days and you realize you don't need it, can you still freeze at that point? TIA, and I hope these aren't the stupid repeat questions everyone always hates ;)

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